Our DevOps and Cloud Services

Cloud & DevOps Solutions Delivered

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Our Approach

At Coherent Solutions, we foster a collaborative DevOps culture that unites development and operations teams. This approach allows us to ensure efficient and reliable delivery of high-quality software. We place a strong emphasis on knowledge sharing, which enables us to provide our clients with professional solutions. By embracing this unified approach, we guarantee the dependable and efficient delivery of top-notch software.

  • Development

    Software design • Coding and branching strategy • Version control

  • Integration

    Automated code builds • Automated testing

  • Testing

    Functional testing • Performance testing • Security testing • Usability testing

  • Deployment

    Automated infrastructure provisioning • Automated deployment • Automated health-check

  • Monitoring

    Performance monitoring • Availability monitoring • Alerting • Reacting to issues

  • Feedback

    Feedback from end-users & stakeholders • Software quality & functionality improvement

Our DevOps and Cloud Experts

Vitaly Skuratovich

Vitaly Skuratovich

DevOps Technology Lead, Azure Cloud Expert

Alexander Simonov

Alexander Simonov

Technology Lead

Nikita Meschanenko

Nikita Meschanenko

DevOps Training Lead, AWS Cloud Expert

Dmitry Nikolaychik

Dmitry Nikolaychik

DevOps Architect

Ready to Start Your Project?

Simply fill out our contact form below, and we will reach out to you within 1 business day to schedule a free 1-hour consultation covering platform selection, budgeting, and project timelines.

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Simply fill out our contact form below, and we will reach out to you within 1 business day to schedule a free 1-hour consultation covering platform selection, budgeting, and project timelines.

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Here's what happens next:

  1. Our sales rep will contact you within 1 day to discuss your case in more detail.
  2. Next, we will arrange a free 1-hour consultation with our experts on platform selection, budgeting, and timelines.
  3. After that, we’ll need 1-2 weeks to prepare a proposal, covering solutions, team requirements, cost & time estimates.
  4. Once approved, we will launch your project within 1-2 weeks.